It’s sad but true, I still live with my family. Why move out when I don’t have to pay rent? My only impetus to leave the parental nest is simply the judgment of others, which is purely unfair. There’s are so many perks to living at home, it’s not funny. But there is one downside. It’s a small price to pay for getting your meals cooked and clothes washed by mum, and having the luxury of only working part time throughout college…
The downside is that it can get pretty noisy. My parents lack awareness of how loud the TV is and they entertain a lot. It can get chaotic, especially in the evening when I get home from school and need to do my homework. I’m taking one of the web design courses in the city and it’s pretty full on. There’s a lot of contact hours and a tonne of homework. This is great though cos I feel like I’m learning a lot, but I also feel stressed when I can’t concentrate cos Mum and Dad are screaming at each other or howling with laughter while drinking and smoking with a group of friends.
I’ve tried various places to do my homework. The first place I went to was my girlfriend’s house, but of course, she was a huge distraction. I’d look up from my studies at her sprawled luxuriously on the bed with a book in hand, and then there’d be no hope for the rest of the day. The next place I tried was the library, where a lot of people in IT courses go to do homework. But the library was also full of hot chicks so I got really distracted and had to rush to the bathroom. Lastly, I tried Johnny’s Cafe. I thought it would be noisy, filled with the sounds of coffee machines and clinking plates. But it as such a pleasant atmosphere. I put my head down with no distractions and got all of my homework done in no time.